A very keen soldering iron jockey

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A very keen soldering iron jockey

Post by jomac_uk »

I've recently just got my hands on a pretty clean MZ80A with the AEU interface and printer card fitted. This has really taking me on a very nostalgic trip to the 80's when I seriously became interested in computers having been involved in electronics and ham radio. I originally had the MZ80K back in 1991 and this is where I learned the hardware side of computers, designing quite a few interface cards for specialist applications.

I became a qualified computer engineer in 1981 and back in those days, computer engineering meant you had to locate the fault down to component level, not the modern 'swap panel' engineers of today

I am hoping to ressurrect a few of my old designs and also be able to learn CP/M a bit better.

Being retired now gives me a lot of time to play, and I am looking forward to being involved with this forum.
I started out with absolutely nothing and stll have most of it left!
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Re: A very keen soldering iron jockey

Post by Gortho »

Welcome to the forum.

It is quite quiet here recently.. But hopefully people will be much more talkative soon ;)
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